Liberate your programming. Create your life.
And live in limitless possibilities!
Choose Your LifE and live the story you want to.
It's a life without limits, fears or doubt.
What would you dream up with nothing in your way? Would it be...
Stronger, healthier relationships.​
Certainty about where you are headed.
Confidence in who you are and what your potential is.
Joy in knowing that you're living the life you want to live.
Purpose that you are creating the things you want to be creating.
Freedom to choose...well...anything you want.
Peace that moving towards your desires is absolutely the right path.
More love...towards yourself and the ability to fully receive it from others.
How about...
No more life designed by someone or something else.
No more fear holding you back from your dreams.
No more doubting your decisions.
No more wondering if you have what it takes.
No more sabotaging your own future.
You are not broken. Your story is not broken.
You just learned a way to survive really hard things.
But, my friend, YOU are your own liberator.
You can choose to free your story or you can choose to keep it all the same. But I would ask you...how's that working out for you?
"The laws of nature apply equally to the mind
and the emotions."
~Dan Millman

Life Strategy
Liberate from the roadblocks.
Something is standing in the way of you moving forward into the life you dream about. We will discover it, remove it and create the future you want to be living. There is no dream or desire too big for what you can manifest! Your story has limitless possibilities!

Life is full of negative events. How we respond, recover, and reorient is our learned response to avoid any more pain than we have to. These responses create habits in how we live and cope. BUT...some of these patterns hold us back from healing, forgiveness, and even hope. Free the past patterns and create a thriving life.

Peak Performance
When your 'A' game is required then it's time to move the self-sabotaging patterns out of the way. It's time to get the most out of yourself whether it's a job proposal, a competition, or a high-stakes adventure. You've trained your skill sets. Now it's time to train your mind. Liberate your limits and you liberate your possibilities!

Having thriving relationships is key to our human experience. But thriving doesn't just happen. You create it. Bringing your most authentic self into your relationships requires intentional choices and beliefs about who you are. Let's liberate the story you want the world to experience.

An Immersive Breakthrough is a short but deep dive into you.
We begin with a 90-minute session using my training as a Master NLP Practitioner to unravel what's holding you back or what's in your way.
I then plan your custom 3-hour session for you that allows us to get to the heart of your presenting problem and move it out of your way.
You operate from your beliefs, values, strategies, emotions, and worldview.
And I believe that we cannot live contrary to our beliefs. We can profess something contrary, but we can't actually live in a way that doesn't align with what we believe about ourselves and the world around us. When we hit a limit to our joy, confidence, hope, possibilities, or abilities, we have found the limits of our beliefs.
Expand your beliefs and you expand your way of living. I call this liberation. You get to choose the way you want to live and the path to get you there.
Life doesn't happen to you...it happens because of you!
You are a force of expansion and limitless possibilities. I believe that with all of my heart. Let's break through the limits and find out what you've been holding back from the world!
"We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
Jessicah and I went through a breakthrough session together. It was not centered on our belief systems or faith, but mostly about anxiety and fear. These were two separate sessions.
She talks very slowly and methodically. I felt my whole self slow down and assimilate what she was saying. She talked to me but did not tell me what to think. The thoughts rolled out and it seemed self-directed… self -revelatory.
At the end of this, I felt relaxed...without anxiety. I slept soundly all night .
I’m very thankful.
Deborah / AZ / Retired Nurse
You are the creator of your own Liberation!
No more...
"I can't because..."
"Well, my problems are just too big"
"I have too many issues"
"I've peaked at my abilities."
"I just feel so stuck."
"I'm too young."
"I'm too old."
"I'm afraid of..."
"I don't deserve it."
You will expand your possibilities.
You will remove the roadblocks.
You will dream really really big!
You will cut the tape off that small box and set yourself free into vibrant life.
You will break through the barriers that are keeping you from all your potential!
You will design your own life!
Let's break through the story you've been told about you (or the story you've been telling yourself) that is keeping you from your abundant life.
Let's liberate your story and write one that is untethered from the past!

you deserve more!
more freedom, more possibilities,
more of you!
"Your responses to events in life are more important than the events themselves."
~Virginia Satir
Here are just a few of the things we can liberate for you….
~Destructive self-beliefs
~Self Sabotage
~Relationship problems
~Oppressive Beliefs
~Conflicted Identity
~Pain Management
~Chronic Illness
~Religious Deconstruction
~Career and athletic performance
...And all the things that keep life feeling blocked, stuck, small or overwhelming.

"The secret of change is to focus all of your energy NOT on fighting the old, but on building the new."
Your Breakthrough
Call 1: 30-minute call to see if an Immersive Breakthrough is a supportive option for you. (this is free and there is no obligation to sign up for anything!)
Call 2: 90-minute Immersive (deep dive) into you and the issues or the problem you'd like to move through.
Call 3: Three-Hour Custom Breakthrough Session.
Your Investment:
Pay in Full
So, Who Am I?
I am the one who threw out the big girl panties and built my boundaries.
I am the one who gets 1-Star Ratings on her podcasts because she's pissing off all the right people!​
I am a survivor of the Pastor's Wife's life.
I am the one calling out the Oppressors so we can ALL heal.
I am your ally to liberation and freedom.
I am a human who has healed herself more times than she can count.
I am the one who chose sight-saving brain surgery...twice.
I am a fucking Lionness with a really loud roar!
My story has many chapters that have evolved me into a woman who calls Bullshit on the "way it's supposed to be". I've learned how to de-program from toxic and hurtful beliefs and practices, but even more...I've learned how to coach my clients into clean and supportive breakthroughs. The kind of breakthroughs that change the future!
I have been coaching women through new mindsets for the last three years, but my coaching began over 20 years ago as a teen mentor. This evolved into coaching runners in 2014. Coaching has been a way of life for me. I am a Certified Master NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Practitioner and I look forward to bringing all these skills, practices, and processes into my work with you.
Oh...and I'm also a nomad. I live my life on the road with my husband of over 27 years. We are traveling the world together! Remember when I said that a liberated story is unleashed possibilities? Well, I'm living it. We dreamed our way right into a new way to live this life. So don't be surprised to find a new background on each of our zoom calls.
My story is still being written and you get to be witness to it! I encourage you to click through my website and listen to my podcasts. I share so much of who I am and give you snippets of the kind of work I do.
Liberate Your Programming
and you liberate your story!