It's time to put your liberation first!
You have a wild and adventurous life to live. Let's remove all the obstacles in your way! No matter what your story has been so far, you can write the one you want to live in from now on.
Throw out the small, confining box.
Trust yourself that you know what is GOOD for you.
Choose the identity that feels like home.
Take control of your future.
Thrive in your relationships.
Find the clarity you've been searching for.
Your potential is all wrapped up inside that beautiful package of you...let's liberate it!
Is This You?
YOU have found yourself compliant with programming and relationships that do not align with you...BUT you want to rise out of it.
YOU are ready to own yourself but may have a lot to risk relationally, spiritually, and socially. You need support to make this journey.
YOU want to be done with fear and limits.
YOU are ready for liberation and freedom from patriarchal and oppressive ways of living.
YOU are SO over playing roles. You are ready to live into something more expansive than "the way it is"
YOU want to stop doing the same things over and over again because you want something different, even if you can't name it yet.
YOU look quiet to the world, but you are ROARING in your spirit. You have so much to express and offer.
YOU want to separate from old stories that may or not have been written by you. You want to write a TRUE story.
YOU want to feel confident in who you are and like yourself for all the uniqueness you possess.
YOU may be a bit lost, feeling like you can't quite answer that question “who am I”...but you want to!
YOU want to dream and you want your dreams to come ALIVE!
YOU want to stop surviving life and start THRIVING!

You keep feeling like you're not ok...
But you're going to be.
I was going to be good enough even if I didn't believe it.
Funny thing about beliefs is that they still guide you each and every day. And my belief about not being enough was burning me out. When my life coach challenged my belief and where it came from, the questions started filling my head.
What if I was enough?
How would that change how I lived?
Would it change how I lived?
Who could I be?
It's hard to know much in these growth seasons, in these feelings. But you will be ok.
You're going to be great! You're going to exceed your expectations of what it means to heal, for good.
The most liberating thing for me in these times came through a season of work with my life coach. She asked me just the right questions to lead me to my own awareness. I had never felt like I was enough…for anyone or anything. And... I was really good at making sure no one knew my secret.
I played big.
I lived my religion to the T.
I raced hard.
I conquered the fears that rose up.
I even learned to swim over a mile just to prove to myself I could be bigger than my fear of water.
Coaching opened a new space in my being. It offered me more of me!
And through that support…
I liberated myself.

i was my very own hero... a very hard story.
The ability to heal yourself with everything that is ALREADY in you....
...that's the power of self-liberation.
You know who you are and what you want deep within you.
I'm going to help you find it and step into it.
We will unleash and liberate the version of you that feels real and authentic.

My 1:1 private coaching is open and I will create a custom experience for you...because you're not like everyone else, right?!
All of my private coaching packages are custom to my clients.
We can develop a coaching package that fits your lifestyle.
Here are just a few ways to get started...
Let's start with just one!
One session. One space to be you. One step towards liberating your story.​
90-Minute Mentorship Session​
Let it out! Here's a safe, contained space to bring it up...whatever it is! Whether it's spiritual deconstruction, a life transition, relationship crossroads, or all the stuff of life in between and all belongs here. Bring it all to this Sacred Space and find your path through it. It's awakening. It's liberation.
It's 90 minutes focused on you with guided mentorship to lead you back to you...the story you WANT to be living.
Resources, meditations, and training as pertains to your session
Downloadable video and audio of our session together for further reflection post-session.
A post-session letter of encouragement, insights, and resources to keep you moving toward your liberation.
Your Investment:
$195 usd
Want to dive really deep into the Story of YOU?​
3-month Intensive Coaching Package
3 months of private coaching
An initial 90-minute intensive session
Unlimited Voxer Coaching during the 3-month session.
Personalized Breakthroughs using NLP & beyond.
Private 1-hour zoom sessions once a week. (a total of 12 sessions)
Access to my library of resources, meditations, and training
Pay in Full Discounts & Monthly Payment options
Your Investment:
Monthly Payment
for 2 months
Pay In Full
for 3 months of coaching
Remember... I customize my coaching packages based on YOU!
These are just two ways we can work together. Not sure where to start? Let's start with 90 minutes and go from there!
So, Who Am I?
I am the one who threw out the big girl panties and built my boundaries.
I am the one who gets 1-Star Ratings on her podcasts because she's pissing off all the right people!​
I am a survivor of the Pastor's Wife's life.
I am the one calling out the Oppressors so we can ALL heal.
I am your ally to liberation and freedom.
I am a human who has healed herself more times than she can count.
I am the one who chose sight-saving brain surgery...twice.
I am a fucking Lionness with a really loud roar!
My story has many chapters that have evolved me into a woman who calls Bullshit on the "way it's supposed to be". I've learned how to de-program from toxic and hurtful beliefs and practices, but even more...I've learned how to coach my clients into clean and supportive breakthroughs. The kind of breakthroughs that change the future!
I have been coaching women through new mindsets for the last three years, but my coaching began over 20 years ago as a teen mentor. This evolved into coaching runners in 2014. Coaching has been a way of life for me. I am a Certified Master NLP (neurolinguistic programming) Practitioner and I look forward to bringing all these skills, practices, and processes into my work with you.
Oh...and I just finished a year of living on the road with my husband of over 27 years. We are traveling the world together! Remember when I said that a liberated story is unleashed possibilities? Well, I'm living it. We dreamed our way right into a new way to live this life. So don't be surprised to find a new background on each of our Zoom calls. I also call Spokane, Washington my home base. We love the Pacific Northwest and our crazy, wild, playful family. So adventure is always in front of us.
My story is still being written and you get to be witness to it! I encourage you to click through my website and listen to my podcasts. I share so much of who I am and give you snippets of the kind of work I do.
